2023 March Prayer Corps

“Now repent of your sins and turn to God that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19).
You are likely aware of the recent outbreak of Holy-Spirit revival in early February that happened on a small college campus in Asbury, Kentucky, USA. What began as a normal weekly chapel service led to more than 400 hours of continual praise, worship, prayer and repentance. It began simply after a student’s humble confession of sin and desire for forgiveness, followed by a ministry time of worship.
The students began to sense the Holy Spirit’s presence, so just continued on in simple worship. There was no well-known speaker or fancy worship set-ups. The more the students worshipped, the stronger the presence of God’s Spirit became.
And God began to move. There were many reports of healings and other strong expressions of God’s presence and power. As hours turned into days, and word spread via social media, tens of thousands of people of all ages came pouring in to the tiny town to witness what was being called, “The Asbury Revival.” Some who attended returned to their own churches and campuses, and God began to powerfully move in their midst as well.
The testimonies of God’s touch during this revival are innumerable. Though in person-gatherings at Asbury were ended only when the small town could no longer handle the huge influx of people from around the world, as of this writing the worship service continues to be available online.
There were critics and skeptics of this sovereign event. But I would simply look to Scripture about similar unique occurrences: “And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God” (Acts 5:38,39).
You are likely aware of the recent outbreak of Holy-Spirit revival in early February that happened on a small college campus in Asbury, Kentucky, USA. What began as a normal weekly chapel service led to more than 400 hours of continual praise, worship, prayer and repentance. It began simply after a student’s humble confession of sin and desire for forgiveness, followed by a ministry time of worship.
The students began to sense the Holy Spirit’s presence, so just continued on in simple worship. There was no well-known speaker or fancy worship set-ups. The more the students worshipped, the stronger the presence of God’s Spirit became.
And God began to move. There were many reports of healings and other strong expressions of God’s presence and power. As hours turned into days, and word spread via social media, tens of thousands of people of all ages came pouring in to the tiny town to witness what was being called, “The Asbury Revival.” Some who attended returned to their own churches and campuses, and God began to powerfully move in their midst as well.
The testimonies of God’s touch during this revival are innumerable. Though in person-gatherings at Asbury were ended only when the small town could no longer handle the huge influx of people from around the world, as of this writing the worship service continues to be available online.
There were critics and skeptics of this sovereign event. But I would simply look to Scripture about similar unique occurrences: “And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God” (Acts 5:38,39).

Signs of True Revival
The Asbury Revival has caused great stirrings, and even excitement, in the Body of Christ. In the broken days in which we live, many prayers have been lifted by the faithful for God to intervene and help, and to loose His power and revival in the nations. And we are expectant that He truly will encounter and save this lost and hopeless generation!
So as revival fires begin to fall and spread, let us look at some important lessons from the marked characteristics of the Asbury Revival.
Please understand that there is not a “formula” for revival. God will do what He does, when He wants to do it, and how He wants to do it.
But what is unmistakable about Asbury is that no person made this happen. It was simply a humble yielding of hearts, and a sensitivity to move with God’s Spirit when His presence descended in the midst of sincere worship.
That should be an encouragement to us all! Though we cannot make revival happen, we can certainly pray for it. And we can be sensitively open to move with the Holy Spirit at any moment in order to fulfill His will.
The Asbury Revival has caused great stirrings, and even excitement, in the Body of Christ. In the broken days in which we live, many prayers have been lifted by the faithful for God to intervene and help, and to loose His power and revival in the nations. And we are expectant that He truly will encounter and save this lost and hopeless generation!
So as revival fires begin to fall and spread, let us look at some important lessons from the marked characteristics of the Asbury Revival.
- There were no “big name” dominant leaders who spoke, no one pushing an agenda or program; nor was anyone pressing or manipulating the crowd for emotions’ sake.
- The worship was simple, genuine and heartfelt. The auditorium was simple, the instruments simple, and the students just rotated in and out of the worship team in order for continual songs of praise to be lifted.
- The music and worship songs were not the latest and greatest, or showy or sophisticated. But they did reflect a deep hunger and passion for God, and the focus was lifting up Jesus.
- There were consistent manifestations of repentance from sin and seeking forgiveness. We know that God inhabits sincere praise. And when God’s Spirit is present, as we wait, conviction will fall and He will do the work. People were contrite and broken before the Lord. The atmosphere of continual worship allowed people to personally respond to what God was doing in their midst.
- There were no appeals for money, joining any group, or promoting any ministry or other groups or persons.
- The common phrase that was repeatedly heard from those leading as well as those attending was, “Radical Humility.”
- Asbury’s visitation was marked by its gentleness. What was reported was, “Services are a simple combination of joyful worship, quiet prayer, Scripture reading, confession of sin and public testimony. Healings, salvations and rededications were commonplace.” The school administrators said, “Our prayer is that God would be honored and the students’ lives would be changed, that all our lives would be changed.”
Please understand that there is not a “formula” for revival. God will do what He does, when He wants to do it, and how He wants to do it.
But what is unmistakable about Asbury is that no person made this happen. It was simply a humble yielding of hearts, and a sensitivity to move with God’s Spirit when His presence descended in the midst of sincere worship.
That should be an encouragement to us all! Though we cannot make revival happen, we can certainly pray for it. And we can be sensitively open to move with the Holy Spirit at any moment in order to fulfill His will.

Hunger For His Fire
We know it is God’s desire to save, and to pour out His Spirit on the young and old alike (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:17-21). It was spoken by Moses, “Oh that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them” (Num 11:29).
We can never do what God can do by His Spirit! No politics, ideology, program or enthusiastic pastor can cause revival, or transform hearts. But oh, how we need revival! The sin-sickness of human hearts and human cultures can only be transformed by the power of God’s Spirit, as His presence touches open, hungry, yielded people.
So if, like me, your heart is hungry for more of God, and if you long for His personal presence as “in a dry and thirsty land,” here are some things we can do:
Then pray. And pray. Then pray some more. Then pray again. Pray for God’s fire to fall, for Jesus to be lifted up, for churches, cities, even nations to experience mighty moves of God. Pray for a holy hunger to begin to overtake Christ-followers, compelling them to forsake all to seek and follow Jesus, and to make Him known!
We know it is God’s desire to save, and to pour out His Spirit on the young and old alike (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:17-21). It was spoken by Moses, “Oh that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them” (Num 11:29).
We can never do what God can do by His Spirit! No politics, ideology, program or enthusiastic pastor can cause revival, or transform hearts. But oh, how we need revival! The sin-sickness of human hearts and human cultures can only be transformed by the power of God’s Spirit, as His presence touches open, hungry, yielded people.
So if, like me, your heart is hungry for more of God, and if you long for His personal presence as “in a dry and thirsty land,” here are some things we can do:
- Be hungry! God always responds to hunger for Him.
- Seek Him! Seek the Lord with all your heart, regardless of time, convenience or schedule.
- Fast! God honors when we set aside earthly desires and worldly fulfillment for a season of finding our sustenance only in Him.
- Focus on Jesus! There is such a pull to focus on everything but Jesus in this hour. Resist that temptation. Do not focus on feelings or even a desire for revival. Just focus on Jesus. Worship Him. Bask in Him. Love Him.
- Repent! Be ready to lay aside every sin, no matter how small, how old or how new. In Scripture, repentance always precedes the outpouring of His Spirit (2Chr 7:14; Joel 2:12-17; Acts 2:38,39).
- Be persistent! Cry out to God. It may require spiritual warfare to break hell’s resistance and oppression, and make a pathway for the Holy Spirit to enter in and move.
- Gather together! Join with like-minded believers and pray for the outpouring of God’s Spirit. Such moves of God are sovereign (He’s in charge!), but He is a God who hears and answers prayer – especially when it lines up with His sovereign will.
Then pray. And pray. Then pray some more. Then pray again. Pray for God’s fire to fall, for Jesus to be lifted up, for churches, cities, even nations to experience mighty moves of God. Pray for a holy hunger to begin to overtake Christ-followers, compelling them to forsake all to seek and follow Jesus, and to make Him known!

On February 6, 2023, a massive earthquake (magnitude 7.8) struck southeastern Tukey and northwestern Syria. It is estimated that more than 45,000 people have died, and 100,000 substandard buildings collapsed.
Rescue and humanitarian aid have been hindered due to aftershocks and more quakes, harsh winter conditions, and immense rubble. Hundreds of thousands of people are without clean water, food and shelter.
Please pray:
We are excited that plans are underway for multiple Pastors’ Equipping and Spiritual Renewal Seminars in 2023! As the Lord leads and opens doors, we will be sending World MAP ministry teams to Zambia, Pakistan and India.
Thank you for praying with us about these strategic gatherings. Pray for the planning and preparation, for the pastors who will attend, and for a great outpouring of God’s Spirit at each and every event!
On February 6, 2023, a massive earthquake (magnitude 7.8) struck southeastern Tukey and northwestern Syria. It is estimated that more than 45,000 people have died, and 100,000 substandard buildings collapsed.
Rescue and humanitarian aid have been hindered due to aftershocks and more quakes, harsh winter conditions, and immense rubble. Hundreds of thousands of people are without clean water, food and shelter.
Please pray:
- For far more media emphasis on this great humanitarian crisis. For food, medicine, clothing, water and other essentials to be provided and quickly distributed.
- That Turkish and Syrian governments would cooperate in providing aid, regardless of the ethnicity of those who are in need.
- For corruption to be quickly revealed, and all political and personal agendas that are unrighteous to be thwarted.
- That even more ministries would arise to give aid and to share the Gospel with those who are suffering.
- For Turkish and Syrian believers to be bold to both give aid, and to share the hope of Jesus Christ, to any and all who will receive it.
We are excited that plans are underway for multiple Pastors’ Equipping and Spiritual Renewal Seminars in 2023! As the Lord leads and opens doors, we will be sending World MAP ministry teams to Zambia, Pakistan and India.
Thank you for praying with us about these strategic gatherings. Pray for the planning and preparation, for the pastors who will attend, and for a great outpouring of God’s Spirit at each and every event!
Our world has only One Hope. The Light has come and the darkness cannot comprehend it, influence it or overcome His Kingdom purposes. So let us lift our voices and cry out! Our God is both able and willing to inhabit the praises of His people, and to save, heal, deliver and empower all who say yes to His salvation!
Hungry for Him,
Frank and Wendy Parrish,
World MAP
Our world has only One Hope. The Light has come and the darkness cannot comprehend it, influence it or overcome His Kingdom purposes. So let us lift our voices and cry out! Our God is both able and willing to inhabit the praises of His people, and to save, heal, deliver and empower all who say yes to His salvation!
Hungry for Him,
Frank and Wendy Parrish,
World MAP
Posted in Prayer Corps