Pastors' Seminars

Spirit-Filled Events


World MAP hosts in-country seminars for pastors that provide spiritual refreshing, encouragement and teaching. These nondenominational, Spirit-filled events promote unity and a biblical Kingdom worldview.

Hundreds of thousands throughout developing nations have attended. For most, this is the only in-person training they will ever receive.

Pastors are housed and fed as they gather for ministry training, worship, fellowship, and spiritual refreshing. At the conclusion of each seminar, every pastor is given his/her own Shepherd’s Staff, providing them with training and teaching material for years to come.

World MAP Seminars are currently held in Africa, Latin America, Asia and parts of Eastern Europe.
FACT: There are 2 million+ pastors in emerging nations – the vast majority do not have formal ministry or Bible training.
Send a pastor to a World MAP Seminar today!
World MAP seminar in Guyana, South America
World MAP seminar group picture in India
Ministry time at a World MAP seminar in Benin, West Africa
