2024 May Prayer Corps

        …if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land
(2Chronicles 7:14)

These are powerful words from the Lord to Solomon about God’s people of that day. And today, they still boldly ring true for the people of God (the global Body of Christ).

It seems so much of the Church has lost its way, being shaped by a sin-filled worldly culture instead of rising to God’s call to be the ones to shape the culture with God’s Kingdom values!

In the United States this month, there is a designated National Day of Prayer on May 2, 2024. America, once a beacon of hope and truth to the nations, is quickly becoming a pagan land, and is in desperate need of the prayers and intercession of the saints. Please join with us for praying for the U.S.A. – and especially the Church in this nation.

Though this day of prayer is focused on the U.S.A., I would strongly urge you to expand your intercessions all month long to include all the nations of the “Western world”. This would include North America, much of Europe and the other western nations that have historically had a strong presence of Christianity and the Gospel.

Some Ways to Pray

Please pray often this month for the western world as you are led by God’s wisdom and His Spirit. As the world verges on complete chaos and moral breakdown, it could not be more critical for the saints to pray. Even one faith-filled prayer can make a difference! (Ja 5:16)

May we also suggest two more critical focal points for your concerted intercession:

1. For this generation. I speak of those pressing toward adulthood, essentially 13-25 years of age. They face intense demonic influence, and deep opposition and apathy to the things of God. They have a profound need of salvation, and a revival outpouring of God’s Spirit! We hear reports of beginning visitations and moves of God’s Spirit among the youth. May that spread to a national revival!

Please pray:
  • For spiritual blinders (2Co 4:3,4) to be removed and the light of the Gospel to pierce and take captive all that is resistant to the truth of Who Jesus is and what He has done for every person (2Co 10:4,5).
  • For key ‘influencers’ in social media and secular culture to be dramatically saved and transformed, and to raise testimonies of the saving grace of Christ.
  • For the Holy Spirit to be poured out on school campuses, from middle and high schools through colleges and universities.
  • That God would send forth bold laborers, those unafraid to preach the full Gospel and teach the truth, who will stand publicly for their faith (Mt 9:37,38).
  • For teachers, coaches, professors and administrators to come to salvation in Christ (Mt 9:37,38).
  • That God-born signs, wonders and miracles would accompany the preaching of the Gospel and the outreach of peers to this generation.
  • For the Church to pro-actively love, receive and embrace this newly-saved generation, and to faithfully disciple them to be strong followers of Jesus Christ who love and obey His Word.

2.  For the Church. There is an obvious proliferation of demonic and human pitfalls and temptations (Ro 1:18-32; 1Ti 4:1,2; 2Ti 4:3,4) being invited into churches, with a devastating impact on the spiritual health of the Church. These works of flesh and hell are being exposed, with more exposure coming (1Pe 4:17).

The Bible teaches that the Lord is returning for a Church without spot, wrinkle or blemish (Ep 5:25-27). Though we will never be perfect on this side of heaven, we can be “spotless” before God as we humbly live in right relationship to Him and others, and receive the salvation and forgiveness of Jesus and the covering of His blood. We must also be quick to repent when we fail, being more transformed into the image of Christ, living solely by God’s Word and Kingdom values without compromise.

As we pray for the lost to be saved, let us also pray:        
  • For God to cleanse His House and renew His Church by His Spirit, in order that those who come into the Church are led into righteousness and godly discipleship rather than worldly depravity, compromise and false teachings
  • For personal cleansing and transformation for ourselves, as well as for the Church.
  • For God to raise up leaders in the Church who will preach the whole counsel of God (Ac 20:27) without compromise, speaking the truth in love.
  • That genuine, Holy Spirit-filled worship would become the norm in all of the Church (Jn 4:23,24).
  • For blinders to fall from eyes and ears to be opened, delivering those in churches who are deceived by and embracing the lies of the culture around them that are in direct opposition to the Word of God.
  • For true repentance, humility and holiness to be the heartfelt pursuit of church leaders, as well as all Christ-followers.
  • For a new openness to and hunger for the presence and workings of the Holy Spirit every time the Church gathers. There is so much He will do, that we can never do on our own – so come, Holy Spirit!

There is, of course, much more to pray about as you allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and lead you. Though May 2, 2024 is designated as a National Day of Prayer, let us continue to lift the needs highlighted above to the Lord in prayer throughout this month, continuing our intercessions daily as we pray without ceasing until Jesus returns!


The recent missile assault on Israel marks the first time Iran has directly attacked Israel. For decades, Iran has used its proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, etc) in many locations to enact violent assaults. Tensions remain high, even as world leaders weigh in and as Israel responded in part to Iran’s attack while still engaged in ongoing conflict with another terrorist regime backed by Iran.

Please pray for:
  • The peace of God to blanket the tensions between Israel and Iran, and throughout the Middle East.
  • Conflicts to subside, and not spread into a regional war.
  • Both Israel and Iran to heed the voice of God and not react with religious fanaticism, national pride, fear and hatred.
  • The continual and rapid spread of the Gospel throughout both nations, in their governments, military and general population.
  • This to be used to gather a great harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God, despite the horrific consequences of this ongoing conflict.

  • HAITI: For peace, order, a cessation of violence and the intervention of those who might help bring stability to the country.
  • UKRAINE: An end to the war, the protection of the innocent, and the exposure of what is truly going on with nations and individuals using this war for evil purposes and selfish gain.
  • RUSSIA: The spread of the Gospel, and righteous order and people to be brought into the government.

  • World MAP Pastors’ Seminars: We head to Zambia in July of 2024, and Nepal in September of 2024. Please pray now for the ministry teams, the pastors who will attend, and for the Spirit of God to direct every plan and detail.
  • Shepherd’s Staffs: The ongoing printing of a large order of Shepherd’s Staffs in multiple languages is underway. Please pray for the swift and successful completion of these books – some of which are earmarked for Zambia and Nepal for the upcoming World MAP seminars in these nations.
  • Digitizing Project: Thank you for continuing to pray for the near-complete digitizing every language version of The Shepherd’s Staff in order to facilitate broader distribution, both electronically and with physical books printed in many more nations.


In these days of upheaval, we can rest in the assurance that we have been given to the Kingdom for such a time as this, and God is with us! Since He has chosen and called us to this time, He will equip and grace us with whatever we need to remain strong witnesses for Christ.

So be encouraged! Our God is the Living God Who rules and reigns, and knows all. He is the only God who can actually hear and answer the cries and prayers of people (2Ch 7:14). Let us be faithful, diligent and brave to pray “God-sized prayers” in order to see God-sized answers!

For He Will Answer When We Call!
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish,
World MAP