2024 June Prayer Corps

        Take heed, watch and pray, for you do not know when the time is… (see Mark 13:32-37).

In the verses above, Jesus was answering His disciples’ questions (see Matthew chapter 24 and Mark 13:1-4) in such a profound way that it has prompted millennia of study, along with countless interpretations, books, sermons, end-times charts and more.

Today, with all of the global chaos taking place, even more attention is being given to this same subject of the end-times and Christ’s return. And understandably so.

However, the human tendency to make the subject of end times overly complicated can lead to missing the entire point of what Jesus was telling His followers. This may be why Jesus repeats a particular phrase three times (which is always a scriptural indicator of something very important): “watch and pray” (v. 33); “watch therefore” (v.35); “and what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” (v.37).

Watch for What?

By definition, the word “watch” means to be alert, sober and vigilant about what is happening around us. But in this context, it means a great deal more than simply observing the latest news or adjusting our predictions about the future.

We can observe a lot with our natural eyes. But there is much more to see and know and do when we focus in with our spiritual eyes (Ep 1:18).

Here are three helpful points of “focus” for our spiritual eyes in these days:

1. Focus our Faith – God has given us both natural and spiritual eyes to see the world and the people around us. He has also provided us with powerful “corrective lenses” of His Word to help us see clearly and stay aligned with His vision. Be reminded and refreshed in these views from the Bible:

  • That the world and its ways are passing away (1Jn 2:15-17).
  • That all people are sinners in need of salvation (Ro 3:23).
  • That our God, out of love, has provided for that salvation (Jn 3:16), and anyone who truly believes in Jesus as the Son shall be saved (Ac 2:21).
  • That the harvest of human lives is ripe and ready (Jn 3:35).
  • That Jesus really is coming again for all those who know Him (Jn 14:1-3).
And if we believe these things to be true, what should we then be about?

2. Focus our Hearts – The Lord certainly desires to get, and keep, the attention of His people. Unfortunately, too much of our personal lives and even current “church life” can be mis-focused and mis-spent! Distraction is one of the primary tools the devil uses to keep people’s focus away from what God desires for them.

God is looking for those who are willing to both seek and see what He is doing by His Spirit in our world today, so that we can:

  • Pray in alignment with His will and purpose (Mt 6:10; Ep 6:18).
  • Partner with Him in the fulfillment of His divine plans (Ep 2:5,6; see Ez. 22:30).

The power is His, the ability is His, the wisdom is His. But His eyes look over all the earth for those through whom He can do His mighty work (2Ch 16:9). When He does return, will He find you and I faithfully doing what the Master of the house desires of us? (Mt 24:45-51)

3. Focus our Actions – It is a simple physical truth that wherever our eyes are focused, our body will follow. This is also true in our spiritual lives and direction. So we must:
  • Keep our eyes focused on Jesus! (He 12:2). Resist the temptation to look to human leaders for what only Jesus can provide.
  • Keep looking to Jesus, while also being aware of the wiles and deceit of our adversary (1Pe 5:8,9). We need not fear the devil, but look fully to the victorious One who lives in us by His Spirit and helps us overcome (1Jn 4:4).
  • Stay focused on Jesus, tuning ourselves to His Spirit and Word, so our prayers and our actions will be directed and empowered by His Spirit alone (Ep 6:18).

As we look fully to Jesus, remaining focused upon the Author and Finisher of our faith, our lives and prayers will be far more effective. We will bring our Savior more glory, accomplish God’s will, release the life and power of His Spirit, and see salvation and blessing come to all those we reach and serve in His Name. Hallelujah!


Last month, we enlisted your prayers for the Middle East due to the unprecedented missile assault on Israel by Iran. Now in the news is the recent helicopter crash in which the Iranian President and Foreign Minister have died. Analysts predict that the next appointed leaders will continue the same rigid, evil and radical policies. But we know God can change that as we join in prayer with thousands of Iranian Christians who are also praying.

Please pray for:
  • A change of leadership in Iran that somehow leads to a change of policies, both internally and externally.
  • The Gospel to continue to flourish in Iran, with more souls brought to faith in Jesus Christ.
  • A cessation of hostilities toward Israel and all other western nations.

There is much violence and conflict continuing in these nations, with untold numbers of innocent people suffering because of it. Let us pray for a cessation of violence, and that righteous intervention and solutions would come to these countries. Pray for the Gospel to go forth with boldness, even among government officials and other key leaders. Pray that evil leaders being led by demonic spirits will be deposed, and their ideologies that promote terrorism would be cast down.

  • World MAP Pastors’ Seminars: The World MAP Pastors’ Seminars in Zambia are fast approaching. Thanks for praying now for these events (July 12-26), as well as for the team and the pastors. Pray for the Lord to orchestrate every detail, including travel and all on-the-ground preparations.
  • Shepherd’s Staffs: Large orders of Shepherd’s Staffs in multiple languages are still in the printing process. Thank you for covering these vital resources in prayer.
  • Digitizing Project: Please continue to pray for the near-complete digitizing every language version of The Shepherd’s Staff in order to facilitate broader distribution, both electronically and with physical books printed in many more nations.


“He Who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Ph 1:6). No matter your age or stage, you are still God’s chosen instrument to bring about His will on earth. So pray with boldness, pray with faith, pray with persistence, and pray with hope and joy in the Lord! For He is able to do abundantly more than we can ask or think (Ep 3:20).

Praying with you,
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish,
World MAP