2024 July Prayer Corps

The Bible foretells coming times of great shaking that will cause “a removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made” (Heb 12:25-27).
This shaking has divine purpose. First, “that the things that cannot be shaken may remain” (v.27). Then, ultimately, to declare and confirm to Christ-followers, “since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and fear. For our God is a consuming fire” (Heb 12:28,29). Nothing escapes His notice or concern.
This shaking has divine purpose. First, “that the things that cannot be shaken may remain” (v.27). Then, ultimately, to declare and confirm to Christ-followers, “since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and fear. For our God is a consuming fire” (Heb 12:28,29). Nothing escapes His notice or concern.

A Shakeable World
We can all see that our world is in the midst of tremendous upheaval: socially, culturally, politically, and with multiple simmering conflicts ready to boil over into all-out warfare. Though Jesus let us know to not be surprised when we witness such days (read Matthew chapter 24), it can still be unsettling.
The global Church is also facing profound challenges. Persecution of the faithful is on the rise everywhere, even while heresy, doctrines of demons and capitulation to cultural perversity is making inroads into individual churches and whole denominations.
Added to this are the recent and very painful public failures of well-known Christian leaders. Unfortunately, these tragedies are gleefully cited as an excuse to reject the Gospel and condemn genuine followers of Jesus (see Romans 2:21-24).
And yet, in the midst of all the challenges, this shaking highlights for us what is truly unshakeable and of high eternal worth.
The global Church is also facing profound challenges. Persecution of the faithful is on the rise everywhere, even while heresy, doctrines of demons and capitulation to cultural perversity is making inroads into individual churches and whole denominations.
Added to this are the recent and very painful public failures of well-known Christian leaders. Unfortunately, these tragedies are gleefully cited as an excuse to reject the Gospel and condemn genuine followers of Jesus (see Romans 2:21-24).
And yet, in the midst of all the challenges, this shaking highlights for us what is truly unshakeable and of high eternal worth.

Laying Hold of the Unshakeable
Despite all of the negative and discouraging news, we can have hope. For the unshakeable Kingdom of God continues to expand and reach into every corner of this shakable planet! Even in the most Christ-hating places on earth, people are still being saved and baptized in greater numbers than ever before.
So, despite the challenges, let us lay hold in faith to these unshakeable truths:
So, despite the challenges, let us lay hold in faith to these unshakeable truths:
- Hold fast to Christ Himself! No mere man, whether a politician, pastor or other leader, can ever give us the security, hope, life and salvation that Jesus does. Our trust and hope must remain in the Only One Who will never fail us.
- Hold fast to the Word of God and His Kingdom! The onslaught against God and His eternal, clear and unchanging Word is great. These demon-inspired attacks remind us how vital, true and absolutely essential the Word of God must be for the spiritual survival and overcoming life of every disciple of Jesus.
- Hold fast to fervent prayer! Pray stubbornly persistent prayers, both “with the Spirit” and “with understanding” (1Cor 14:14,15).
Pray for:
• The nations to come to saving faith in Christ.
• Leaders in the Church. They need our spiritual warfare on their behalf, as they are the “tip of the spear” and face much resistance, temptation and discouragement from satanic forces (Mat 26:31).
• The Holy Spirit to continue His cleansing work in the Church as He prepares the Bride for Christ’s return (Eph 5:25-27; Col 1:22).
• All Christ-followers to be transformed and redeemed more and more into the image, character and nature of Christ (2Cor 3:17,18; Ps 17:15). - Hold fast to unshakeable faith! Our temporary circumstances must never be the measure of God’s faithfulness nor His love for us. He has promised us His unshakeable Kingdom – so believe it, count on it, and let your life be shaped and guided by it. For we are part of the Kingdom of our unshakeable God and King! (see Daniel 7:13-27)

Prayer This Month
The only solution that will bring lasting peace in this region of the world is the Prince of Peace! Please pray for both Jews and Muslims, for soldiers, terrorists, government officials and civilians to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
And pray for:
The only solution that will bring lasting peace in this region of the world is the Prince of Peace! Please pray for both Jews and Muslims, for soldiers, terrorists, government officials and civilians to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
And pray for:
- More laborers who are willing to be sent by the Lord of the Harvest to this part of the world (Mat 9:37,38).
- The boldness and wisdom of Christians in these nations to share the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:29-31).
- People’s eyes to be opened and their hearts convicted of their need for a Savior, not just religion (Acts 26:18).
- Corrupt and oppressive leaders to be transformed by the Gospel, or removed by the sovereign hand of God (Dan 4:34-37).
- World MAP Pastors’ Seminars: THIS MONTH, we are in Zambia (July 12-26), ministering to church leaders in cities to which we have not yet traveled. Please pray for the pastors’ hearts to be prepared by the Holy Spirit, ready to receive all that He has for them; for every detail of the trip to be ordered by the Lord; for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit at each event; safe and healthy travels for all; a lasting, “fruit-bearing” impact in the lives and ministries of every person attending.
- Shepherd’s Staffs: Several orders of Shepherd’s Staffs in multiple languages are still in the printing and shipping process. Thank you for continuing to cover these much-needed ministry resources in prayer.
We are part of God’s mighty unshakeable Kingdom! So receive all that He has given to you and go boldly about the Father’s business in these days. Go in the joyful confidence that He is with you, He is for you, and He wants to be glorified through you!
Giving Him all the glory with you,
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP
Giving Him all the glory with you,
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP
Posted in Prayer Corps