2024 October Prayer Corps

He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Luke 8:8)
It is true that we all have ears. But as some of us can attest, they may not always work as well as we might like.
But when Jesus so emphatically used the phrase, “ears to hear,” He meant something far deeper than the level of our physical sense of hearing. We can look to King Solomon to help illustrate what Jesus was saying to us.
But when Jesus so emphatically used the phrase, “ears to hear,” He meant something far deeper than the level of our physical sense of hearing. We can look to King Solomon to help illustrate what Jesus was saying to us.

Solomon's Big Ears
The Bible records the beginning of the extraordinary reign of King Solomon (1Kings 3:4-14). In this account, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream to ask an amazing question: “Ask! What shall I give you?” (v.5).
Solomon could have asked for anything. But realizing the enormous challenge of being king, he asks the Lord this: “Therefore, give to your servant an understanding heart, to judge your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” (v.9). The Lord was pleased with Solomon’s request and abundantly and supernaturally answered it.
Of particular note in Solomon’s request is the phrase, “an understanding heart.” The Hebrew word for ‘understanding’ is somal, which means a “hearing heart.” This makes complete sense when realizing what it was that Solomon was actually asking!
Solomon could have asked for anything. But realizing the enormous challenge of being king, he asks the Lord this: “Therefore, give to your servant an understanding heart, to judge your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” (v.9). The Lord was pleased with Solomon’s request and abundantly and supernaturally answered it.
Of particular note in Solomon’s request is the phrase, “an understanding heart.” The Hebrew word for ‘understanding’ is somal, which means a “hearing heart.” This makes complete sense when realizing what it was that Solomon was actually asking!

A Heart That Hears
This heart-type of hearing goes beyond listening to simply acquire information or knowledge. Rather, it has a moral aspect and a component of godly character that allows one to have insight. This is not insight just to know things and be impressive. But insight to aid and guide one in making proper distinctions as to how one lives their life, in order to be a consistent and true source of moral understanding and guidance for others.
This kind of “hearing” is one of practical use and application to rightly conduct our lives before the King of kings. This is certainly the essence of discernment, that gives rise to wisdom. Ultimately, it is the right application of judgment based solely upon God’s perspective of right and wrong. [You can see Solomon’s God-given “hearing heart” in action in 1Kings 3:16-28.]
This kind of “hearing” is one of practical use and application to rightly conduct our lives before the King of kings. This is certainly the essence of discernment, that gives rise to wisdom. Ultimately, it is the right application of judgment based solely upon God’s perspective of right and wrong. [You can see Solomon’s God-given “hearing heart” in action in 1Kings 3:16-28.]

Improving Your Hearing
This biblical concept of understanding goes beyond our intellect and human limitations. It does so by a primary focus and reliance upon God’s revelation of Himself – His character, His will and His purposes – to our hearts.
Thus, any true point of understanding begins with revelation by the Holy Spirit, which includes first what has already been revealed in the Word of God. As we read it, we can hear His voice with our “hearing heart” as He reveals to us Who He is, how to live, what is true, and how to perceive the world we live in through the corrective lenses of Heaven’s realities.
It is important to be able to hear clearly! How, then, can we improve our hearing to maximize our understanding? Here are just a few basic and practical ways to develop a hearing heart that is devoted to God:
Thus, any true point of understanding begins with revelation by the Holy Spirit, which includes first what has already been revealed in the Word of God. As we read it, we can hear His voice with our “hearing heart” as He reveals to us Who He is, how to live, what is true, and how to perceive the world we live in through the corrective lenses of Heaven’s realities.
It is important to be able to hear clearly! How, then, can we improve our hearing to maximize our understanding? Here are just a few basic and practical ways to develop a hearing heart that is devoted to God:
- In order to hear, one must be listening (Luke 8:8). God is always willing to speak to us. But our part is to take the time to tune out (or turn off) all the other voices so that we can be more sensitive to the Lord’s voice. His voice is often a quiet impression or thought. It is “still and quiet” on purpose. This is so that we will come before Him, lean in close to Him and not be distracted away from all that we can receive in His presence.
- In order to hear, you must be seeking (Luke 11:9-13). The Bible instructs us to keep asking, seeking and knocking until we hear from Him. We were created for relationship with God. Our time of prayer is about taking the time to talk with God, not just talking at Him! He wants to hear from you, and He wants you to wait in His presence long enough to hear from Him as well.
- In order to hear, it must be the focus of your heart (Matt 6:33). Casual or infrequent seekers rarely find the hidden treasures of great value. Seeking “first” means hungering and thirsting for God and His Word as your top priority, not just getting quick answers to requests. [Some scriptures for meditation and further study: Ephesians 1:17-19, Colossians 1:9-12, 2:2,3; James 1:5-8, 21-25.]

Sheep's Ears
Jesus gives us simple, practical and profound wisdom for finding safety, security and confidence in this life (John 10:1-6). The world today is full of many deceptive voices. So it is imperative that we know how to hear our Chief Shepherd’s voice in order to not be led astray. And, so we can also help lead those around us to follow the only true Shepherd who loves us and gave His life for us.
May we be found striving daily to have a hearing heart, and not be among those who, “did not understand the things which He spoke to them” (v.6).
May we be found striving daily to have a hearing heart, and not be among those who, “did not understand the things which He spoke to them” (v.6).

Prayer This Month
Please continue to pray for the nation of Israel and the burgeoning unrest in the Middle East. Pray in the Spirit and with your understanding, as you are led. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, according to the Word of God.
In the past few years, the Rwandan government has placed two major restrictions on churches. The first was that the senior pastor must have a formal degree in Theology, in order to help stem the tide of harmful heretical teachings. Sadly, most Rwandan pastors do not have the option for formal training. Second, there are now stricter standards for the physical conditions of meeting places. This has caused unsustainable financial burden for most churches except the large churches in cities.
Unfortunately, the net result is that the Rwandan government has closed more than 6,000 churches!
Please pray:
Profound and deadly persecution of Christians by Nigerian Muslims continues to escalate. The current government is aware of these atrocities, but is unresponsive. More than 50,000 people have been murdered (martyred) since 2009 simply because they are Christians.
Please pray:
Some would say that the November elections in the USA are the most important in our lifetime. They have shown themselves to be a raging battle of good against evil, death vs life, freedom vs bondage to governmental controls, even communism.
Please continue to pray, fast and call upon God to do what only He can do! And most of all, pray that in this season there would be great revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to save this lost generation and set them on fire to reach the nations of the world with the Gospel! (2Chron 7:14).
Please continue to pray for the nation of Israel and the burgeoning unrest in the Middle East. Pray in the Spirit and with your understanding, as you are led. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, according to the Word of God.
In the past few years, the Rwandan government has placed two major restrictions on churches. The first was that the senior pastor must have a formal degree in Theology, in order to help stem the tide of harmful heretical teachings. Sadly, most Rwandan pastors do not have the option for formal training. Second, there are now stricter standards for the physical conditions of meeting places. This has caused unsustainable financial burden for most churches except the large churches in cities.
Unfortunately, the net result is that the Rwandan government has closed more than 6,000 churches!
Please pray:
- For the raising up of trustworthy and affordable Bible schools for Rwandan pastors.
- That supernatural provision would come to those churches that need to make required upgrades to their facilities.
- For encouragement and Spirit-led direction to those whose churches have been closed.
- That ministries would catch the burden to help meet the needs of the Rwandan churches.
Profound and deadly persecution of Christians by Nigerian Muslims continues to escalate. The current government is aware of these atrocities, but is unresponsive. More than 50,000 people have been murdered (martyred) since 2009 simply because they are Christians.
Please pray:
- For protection, hope and encouragement for the Nigerian believers, many of whom have lost family members and providers, and who still face severe persecution.
- That Christians in Nigeria would hold tight to the Lord and their faith in Him, and not abandon their beliefs; and for the Holy Spirit to be poured out to give them courage.
- For radical Muslims to be saved; and if not, for a cessation of their violent behavior.
- That the Nigerian government would administer justice for all of its citizens, and begin to mitigate this persecution.
- For other nations to rise up and put pressure on the Nigerian government to protect the Christians in this nation.
Some would say that the November elections in the USA are the most important in our lifetime. They have shown themselves to be a raging battle of good against evil, death vs life, freedom vs bondage to governmental controls, even communism.
Please continue to pray, fast and call upon God to do what only He can do! And most of all, pray that in this season there would be great revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to save this lost generation and set them on fire to reach the nations of the world with the Gospel! (2Chron 7:14).
On the mount of transfiguration, God the Father declared: “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Mark 9:7). God will speak to you today if you are ready to listen – with your whole heart – for He loves you with an everlasting love and cares about all that concerns you.
Speak, Lord, for your servant hears,
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP
Speak, Lord, for your servant hears,
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP