2024 November Prayer Corps

Where there is no revelation [vision], the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law (Prov 29:18)
We live in days where much restraint has been cast off in both the culture and the Church. A compromised vision and message from many church leaders has produced compromised faith in the people. This has led to a lack of fidelity to both Jesus Christ and the full Word of God.
The answer? We must pray for true revival in the Church! Righteousness will not happen in government, education, business and media until there is genuine righteousness – revival with repentance – in the Church.
It is through a revived and repentant Church, with each believer walking in holiness and obedient commitment to our King, that God will bring His salt and light to our decaying culture and societies.
We know it is our primary mission to love the lost and broken as we reach out to them with the Gospel. However, the Bible is clear that we must first “love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength,” without compromise and with obedience to Him alone. Then, and only then, can we properly love our neighbors the way Jesus would, and in a way that will truly make a difference in their lives (Matt 22:37-40).
The answer? We must pray for true revival in the Church! Righteousness will not happen in government, education, business and media until there is genuine righteousness – revival with repentance – in the Church.
It is through a revived and repentant Church, with each believer walking in holiness and obedient commitment to our King, that God will bring His salt and light to our decaying culture and societies.
We know it is our primary mission to love the lost and broken as we reach out to them with the Gospel. However, the Bible is clear that we must first “love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength,” without compromise and with obedience to Him alone. Then, and only then, can we properly love our neighbors the way Jesus would, and in a way that will truly make a difference in their lives (Matt 22:37-40).

His Chosen Instruments
“You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world…” (Matt 5:13-16). These are the truths that Jesus spoke to His disciples. These are the same truths that the Holy Spirit is speaking to us today.
Are you hearing His voice? Do you believe Him enough to take daily action upon those truths? Jesus’ final instructions to all of His followers should remain our first priority in life each and every day.
All people everywhere ultimately ask the same questions: Why am I here, and what is my purpose in life? We, as believers, should also be asking (and answering) those same questions!
Jesus’ last instructions – commands – to us make the answers to those questions clear. We are His chosen instruments to bring the Gospel of His eternal Kingdom to every person we know or meet (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8) so they can also know why they are here and the purpose for their lives: To know Jesus and to make Him known!
Are you hearing His voice? Do you believe Him enough to take daily action upon those truths? Jesus’ final instructions to all of His followers should remain our first priority in life each and every day.
All people everywhere ultimately ask the same questions: Why am I here, and what is my purpose in life? We, as believers, should also be asking (and answering) those same questions!
Jesus’ last instructions – commands – to us make the answers to those questions clear. We are His chosen instruments to bring the Gospel of His eternal Kingdom to every person we know or meet (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8) so they can also know why they are here and the purpose for their lives: To know Jesus and to make Him known!

Time Is Short
There is no question that we are in a time of great worldwide change and upheaval. We can choose to remain in our homes, fearful and watching the news. Or, we can make news of eternal worth by sharing the Good News of eternal life and peace through the salvation offered only by believing in Jesus Christ.
Is the end upon us? Maybe. But this I know for certain: Eternal life that is filled with immeasurable joy, life and peace will only begin the moment a person receives Jesus as Savior. And for those who refuse His salvation, certain separation from God awaits them in this life and in eternity to come.
Believers in Jesus have the key that can open His Kingdom salvation, through our bold message of the Gospel. It is God’s will that all people should repent and call upon Him (John 3:16; Acts 2:21). But how will they know unless they hear? They must hear this message in order to believe on Christ for salvation (Rom 10:14,15).
So let us remember afresh that WE are the messengers, the “ambassadors for Christ” (2Cor 5:20). Be bold and speak His Word to any who will hear. God will take your words, your prayers, your love and your service and shoot them like arrows into the hearts of those who do not know Him to draw them to salvation.
Is the end upon us? Maybe. But this I know for certain: Eternal life that is filled with immeasurable joy, life and peace will only begin the moment a person receives Jesus as Savior. And for those who refuse His salvation, certain separation from God awaits them in this life and in eternity to come.
Believers in Jesus have the key that can open His Kingdom salvation, through our bold message of the Gospel. It is God’s will that all people should repent and call upon Him (John 3:16; Acts 2:21). But how will they know unless they hear? They must hear this message in order to believe on Christ for salvation (Rom 10:14,15).
So let us remember afresh that WE are the messengers, the “ambassadors for Christ” (2Cor 5:20). Be bold and speak His Word to any who will hear. God will take your words, your prayers, your love and your service and shoot them like arrows into the hearts of those who do not know Him to draw them to salvation.

Prayer This Month
Please continue to pray for peace in this region of the world. Pray for Israelis, Palestinians and all Arabic peoples to come to know Jesus, the only Prince of Peace.
Pray also for the local Christians in these countries, that God would give them strength, courage and wisdom to boldly proclaim the Gospel under the anointing power of the Holy Spirit – even in the midst of the ongoing conflict.
Let us pray together for the Lord of the Harvest to accelerate the raising up and sending out of church planters, those who will go into every corner on earth, reaching every village, tribe, tongue and people group.
The jungles of Peru, Amazon, Congo and India; the desert regions of the Sahara, Gobi and Arabic peninsula; every island and every continent – all these places and more still have tribes and villages of unreached peoples.
It may be hard for us to imagine, but nearly HALF of the world’s 8.1 billion people have never heard the name of Jesus or His Good News of salvation for them.
The need is so very great, but our God is greater! He has never asked anything of us He will not enable us to do. So, since Jesus commanded that we go into all the world, He will help us do just that! May we be found praying, sending and going in these days. And may we continually, “Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His Harvest” (Matt 9:38).
The first-ever World MAP seminars in Nepal that concluded last month were wonderful! And handing out the Nepali language Shepherd’s Staffs to the pastors for the very first time was also wonderful! You can read more about the great time we enjoyed in the World MAP DIGEST coming in the mail this month.
Thank you SO much for your prayers and support that make this important training possible for pastors in nations with the least opportunity. They are willing to reach their nations with the Gospel, despite severe persecution. But they just need help with what to do and how to conserve that harvest of souls! You are providing that help, and we are humbled to partner with you.
Please continue to pray for peace in this region of the world. Pray for Israelis, Palestinians and all Arabic peoples to come to know Jesus, the only Prince of Peace.
Pray also for the local Christians in these countries, that God would give them strength, courage and wisdom to boldly proclaim the Gospel under the anointing power of the Holy Spirit – even in the midst of the ongoing conflict.
Let us pray together for the Lord of the Harvest to accelerate the raising up and sending out of church planters, those who will go into every corner on earth, reaching every village, tribe, tongue and people group.
The jungles of Peru, Amazon, Congo and India; the desert regions of the Sahara, Gobi and Arabic peninsula; every island and every continent – all these places and more still have tribes and villages of unreached peoples.
It may be hard for us to imagine, but nearly HALF of the world’s 8.1 billion people have never heard the name of Jesus or His Good News of salvation for them.
The need is so very great, but our God is greater! He has never asked anything of us He will not enable us to do. So, since Jesus commanded that we go into all the world, He will help us do just that! May we be found praying, sending and going in these days. And may we continually, “Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His Harvest” (Matt 9:38).
The first-ever World MAP seminars in Nepal that concluded last month were wonderful! And handing out the Nepali language Shepherd’s Staffs to the pastors for the very first time was also wonderful! You can read more about the great time we enjoyed in the World MAP DIGEST coming in the mail this month.
Thank you SO much for your prayers and support that make this important training possible for pastors in nations with the least opportunity. They are willing to reach their nations with the Gospel, despite severe persecution. But they just need help with what to do and how to conserve that harvest of souls! You are providing that help, and we are humbled to partner with you.
“And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31). Amen! May this be so in us, and in every church that names Jesus as Lord!
Until He comes,
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP
Until He comes,
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP