2024 December Prayer Corps

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given…
- His conception and parentage was viewed suspiciously …
yet, it was Divine in origin.
- He was born into poverty …
yet, wealthy rulers revered Him.
- He was sought out as a babe to be murdered …
yet, God’s hand delivered Him.
- He grew up as a common laborer, working with His hands …
yet, those same hands brought sight, hearing, healing and deliverance to all.
- He was hated by many …
yet, loved and worshipped by uncountably more.
- He never traveled far, and was not educated by the scholars of His day …
yet, His Word, His teachings, have called forth life where there was none, have shaped nations, and will stand for eternity.
- He was innocent, though hung upon a Cross to be killed as a criminal …
yet, this death was the key that opens the door of His eternal Kingdom to anyone who calls upon Him for salvation.
- His life, and His troubling but life-changing ministry, was thought to be ended …
yet, just three days later …
And the government will be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over His Kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this (Isaiah 9:6,7).
What a life! What a Savior! And what a season, as we celebrate once again the birth of Jesus Christ, our glorious Lord and King and the Hope of every nation.
What a life! What a Savior! And what a season, as we celebrate once again the birth of Jesus Christ, our glorious Lord and King and the Hope of every nation.

Prayer This Month
A momentous election has just taken place in the USA, and the results were clear and conclusive. A multitude of Christ-followers around the world bowed in humble and fervent intercession over this election and for the USA, a nation that is so influential. We witnessed a divine intervention, and thank the Lord for His mighty grace that we certainly do not deserve.
And while the outcome has brought relief and hope to some, it has also brought fear and anxiety for others. But regardless of political affiliation, or the win or loss of candidates, we know that those things will ultimately not give people what they truly need – revival of the Church and the salvation of the lost!
The Scriptures reveal a mighty principle that is still true today: If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2Chr 7:14).
It seems God has given the USA a reprieve. But an inherit danger still exists: The temptation to rely on the government to establish righteousness, peace, prosperity and justice, or mistakenly think they will fulfill the role to care for the poor and widowed, the orphan and the broken.
We know that only ONE can truly provide the blessings that follow righteousness – and Who can provide salvation, transformation and eternal life to all those who call upon Him.
That same Jesus has also called His Church to very clear mandates of being salt and light, to make disciples of Christ, and to care for the less fortunate in our society. We are His hands extended, and His ambassadors, who also hold the great treasure of the Gospel in our earthen vessels which is to be poured out on whomever we encounter.
So now is the time for all followers of Jesus to re-double our prayers, seek His face and boldly ask for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven! Politics will never bring Christ’s Kingdom power and work. Only the King of the Kingdom can do that – and only His Body can fulfill their highest calling to work with Him according to His Word!
Our King will respond to His children’s steadfast and persevering outcry to Him, that He might extend His presence, power and salvation both to the Church and others in the USA.
A momentous election has just taken place in the USA, and the results were clear and conclusive. A multitude of Christ-followers around the world bowed in humble and fervent intercession over this election and for the USA, a nation that is so influential. We witnessed a divine intervention, and thank the Lord for His mighty grace that we certainly do not deserve.
And while the outcome has brought relief and hope to some, it has also brought fear and anxiety for others. But regardless of political affiliation, or the win or loss of candidates, we know that those things will ultimately not give people what they truly need – revival of the Church and the salvation of the lost!
The Scriptures reveal a mighty principle that is still true today: If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2Chr 7:14).
It seems God has given the USA a reprieve. But an inherit danger still exists: The temptation to rely on the government to establish righteousness, peace, prosperity and justice, or mistakenly think they will fulfill the role to care for the poor and widowed, the orphan and the broken.
We know that only ONE can truly provide the blessings that follow righteousness – and Who can provide salvation, transformation and eternal life to all those who call upon Him.
That same Jesus has also called His Church to very clear mandates of being salt and light, to make disciples of Christ, and to care for the less fortunate in our society. We are His hands extended, and His ambassadors, who also hold the great treasure of the Gospel in our earthen vessels which is to be poured out on whomever we encounter.
So now is the time for all followers of Jesus to re-double our prayers, seek His face and boldly ask for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven! Politics will never bring Christ’s Kingdom power and work. Only the King of the Kingdom can do that – and only His Body can fulfill their highest calling to work with Him according to His Word!
Our King will respond to His children’s steadfast and persevering outcry to Him, that He might extend His presence, power and salvation both to the Church and others in the USA.
Please Pray For:
- The continual pulling down, binding up and exposure of every plan and effort of demonic principalities whose hold over the USA has been loosened, but that are still present to attempt to regain power and thrones of evil.
- The exposure and removal from office of those who have given themselves as tools and instruments of evil, and ultimately of Satan and his agenda.
- A continued cleansing of the Church and its leaders, through repentance, surrender and a renewed hunger for the Lord, His full Word and His righteousness.
- Christ-followers to receive a baptism of love and compassion for those who are deceived, lost, resentful of God and resistant to commonsense right order [not tolerance of sin, but reaching them where they are, then showing them a better way through Jesus].
- God to raise up His prophetic voices that will call the Church to rise up and be all they should be according to the standards of Scripture.
- A renewed and undiluted Gospel presentation to be raised in the USA, and in its churches.
- The outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the Church, and even those in authority in the government, for a renewed repentance and revival of commitment to Christ.
Keep these nations in your prayers for peace and a cessation of all warfare and hostilities; for the return of all hostages; and for the Gospel to go forward in power among civilians, soldiers and even terrorist groups. May God turn the evil intentions of men to His purposes and glory.
Keep these nations in your prayers for peace and a cessation of all warfare and hostilities; for the return of all hostages; and for the Gospel to go forward in power among civilians, soldiers and even terrorist groups. May God turn the evil intentions of men to His purposes and glory.
In the natural, He entered our world as a mere babe and was placed in a worn and soiled food trough meant for livestock.
Now, He is born anew in any human heart – even those hard-worn and stained by sin – that will welcome Him as Savior, King of kings and Lord of lords!
May He also be born afresh in our hearts in this season as we celebrate His magnificent birth into our benighted world.
Glory to our blessed King!
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP
Now, He is born anew in any human heart – even those hard-worn and stained by sin – that will welcome Him as Savior, King of kings and Lord of lords!
May He also be born afresh in our hearts in this season as we celebrate His magnificent birth into our benighted world.
Glory to our blessed King!
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP