2025 January Prayer Corps

Direction For This Year

As is true in every nation on earth, the battle between good and evil rages daily. This very real and extremely consequential spiritual warfare takes place in governments, tribes, nations, the Church and even within the hearts of people.

We can observe some important aspects of this spiritual reality in the most recent elections in the USA. Despite the fact that there was no political party or individual completely righteous or without fault, the battle reflected a number of critical moral and economic issues.

Unmasking the True Enemy

The real battle was not between candidates or in political rallies. It is clearly spiritual in nature. Demonic principalities seek to dominate regions or nations. In America, the demon spirit of Jezebel (1Kings chapters 18-21; Rev 2:18-20). has long been welcomed and ensconced in the nation's capital. Some of the marks of the presence of this spirit are rebellion, hatred of biblical morality and genuine spiritual authority, sexual perversion, deception, undue control, fear and the worship of death. It is often accompanied by lawlessness and anarchy, violence and mindless hatred.

What can oppose such ferocious evil? And what can be done to counter its satanic purposes from being established and becoming ‘lord’ over a nation and its government?

Of course, we know that Jesus defeated all powers of darkness at the Cross (Col 2:15-14). And our Almighty God opposes every work of darkness and will ultimately do away with the demonic kingdom and all its work forever (Rev 20:10).

God's Chosen Instrument

But before that great (and inevitable) Day of the Lord, the primary instrument God has chosen to counter spiritual darkness and establish His Kingdom rule on earth is His Church!

This does not mean institutions or denominations, but it is His Body – those who are born again Christ-followers living in yielded surrender and obedience to, with faith and sincere love for their Savior, Jesus the Son of God.

Genuine Christians are to take up spiritual battles in prayer! We saw this happen during this past USA election season, and the believers worldwide who fasted, interceded and prayed experienced a more righteous outcome than they otherwise would have. Thank the Lord!

Weapons of Warfare

After this important election, many breathed a great sigh of relief and lifted praise to God. And rightly so! And hopefully, a better and more righteous government will be established.

But the real battle for the USA, and many other nations who will follow their lead, is still ahead of us. Our adversary, the devil, never takes a day off. He, and those disposed to his purposes, are already scheming to regain power, authority and control.

The Holy Spirit’s words to us in one of Paul’s letters (Eph 6:10-18) spell out critical truths for believers, and especially apply to us in this new year ahead.

We are exhorted to take a firm and unyielding stand (vs 13, 14) as we take on the spiritual armor of God. This powerful armor, however, goes beyond our personal protection as we look at all that God has given us: ...praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this and with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints (v 18).

The Valley of Decision

Take notice of how many times the Spirit uses the words “always” and “all” in verse 18. Add to that the repeated emphasis to be “watchful” and have “perseverance.” These carefully chosen words point us to one vital thing: PRAYER!

Now is the time to press once again into fervent prayer. We have rocked the enemy back, and we must not let the demonic adversaries regain solid footing.

This is an open opportunity to beseech Heaven for revival in our land, in order to usher in and establish lasting righteousness in the hearts of people through the saving power of Jesus Christ! Remember, real change only happens when hearts are changed; and only the Lord can transform a human heart.

God’s desire is not for the rule of a political party or particular personality, since politics can never establish the Kingdom of God. Only prayer (Mt 6:10) and a bold and righteous Church (Mt 5:16) can welcome the power and presence of God’s Kingdom rule!

As the Body of Christ, it is our decision – and our privilege and responsibility – to rise up in this hour to “pray without ceasing” and take back what the enemy has tried to steal. May we be found faithful to fulfill the destiny and calling God has given to us in these days!  

Prayer This Month

1. AMERICA - Please pray for:
  • Ongoing righteousness and biblical morality to be unhindered and established.
  • The binding and removing of demonic forces, and those who perpetuate evil agendas, from the government and nation.
  • True repentance and revival in the Church, and the raising up of an entire generation of leaders who will boldly and vocally stand for biblical righteousness.
  • The mercy of God to be poured out, bringing many to repentance and salvation – especially the prodigals, and those opposed to Christ.
  • Peace and order to be established in the USA and many other nations facing unrest.
  • A peaceful transition of power in the government of the USA, and that any evil plan of the enemy to disrupt or delay would be thwarted and unsuccessful.  
The country and its people have been deeply oppressed by a socialist dictatorship for many years. They are scheduled to have a presidential election in January of 2025.
Please pray:
  • For an honest, fair and legitimate election, and for any and all fraud and deception to be quickly revealed.
  • That peace and order would reign, and the election held without violence or bloodshed.
  • For the current government to be replaced with a democratic one.
  • That corrupt and violent leaders would be removed, and righteous order established.
  • Seminars in 2025 – There are a number of very significant opportunities in several nations. Pray for God to establish His best and highest as we strategically consider these events.
  • Shepherd’s Staff – As demand keeps rising, several language versions need large quantities printed. Pray for quick provision of paper and the funds needed to complete these projects!
  • Video Teaching Series – We continue work on the Foundations video/audio teachings about the Holy Spirit and His Work. Please pray for this essential teaching series! 


There is only One Who hears and answers the cries of people. Let us be faithful ‘pray-ers’ and take every opportunity to pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.

So that He may be glorified, 
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish
World MAP Executive Directors