2025 April Prayer Corps

In Him: Our Life, Our Hope, Our Victory!

This month, as we commemorate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, I was prompted to share a tender yet powerful truth.

When Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians, it is clear that as the Holy Spirit “breathed out” His Word into Paul’s mind and heart, the focus was to reveal the preeminence of Christ in everything (Col 1:15-18).

However, this short book of Scripture also exhorts every disciple of Christ to allow our lives to reflect, display and reveal Christ’s preeminence within each of us.

How is it possible for ordinary mortals to do this? Four clear truths in this epistle reveal how we can and must live [presented in Prayer Corps now, and in the next three months]. They all rest on the simple yet profound phrase: “in Him.

Rooted and Built Up in Him

Paul presents two pictures (Col 2:6,7): One is of being “rooted”; the other of being “built up.” Both of these well-chosen metaphors communicate what should be our relationship to Christ. Our entire life is to be lived in a welcoming and intentional pursuit of His presence within us.

“As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk [lead your life] in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him.”

To be “rooted” begins at salvation, when our life is first established in Christ. It conveys the idea of firmness, or being fixed in place. As we grow in Christ, our spiritual roots go ever-deeper into the soil of His presence, and then from Him we draw essential nourishment – the life of His salvation, power, wisdom and love – through the Holy Spirit.

Being “built up” indicates a solid foundation of a house, placing one layer upon another. It is an exceedingly strong foundation because it is built “in Him,” upon Jesus the Rock and His unchanging nature and Word.

Both of these terms, being rooted and built up, are powerful truths to lay hold of for every Christ follower. For the strength of our life, our foundations and our roots, are not in ourselves. Nor are they in doctrinal positions or religious habits. Rather, they are in the strength of Christ Himself. He alone is the true source for our lives, and the foundation of our stability and peace.

Through the Storms

We can all attest to the fact that life on this planet is difficult at best. And we know that Jesus did not come to make us “happy” or provide us a life of ease and comfort (Lk 9:23-26). His ways are much higher, and His purposes much more everlasting!

This is well illustrated by one of the parables of Jesus (Mt 7:24-27). He gave us a clear choice about whether we build our lives upon Him alone – or not.

The reality of this life means that we will all face times of storms, floods, howling winds and shaking. One choice regarding how we build our life will lead only to destruction, no matter how grand or splendidly built by worldly standards.

The other – choosing to be rooted in Christ alone and built upon His Word and presence, even if humble and seemingly unadorned – will weather every storm and give shelter, peace and safety to all those within.

We can firmly stand on this promise of God, both in this life and eternity to come, since it is backed up by the Lord of the universe (see also Ps 1:1-3; Is 44:1-2).

Truly, all we need in this life will only be found in Him.    

Prayer This Month

In prior years, World MAP has conducted many pastors’ seminars and given out Shepherd’s Staffs in Pakistan. Sadly today, violence is increasing and has become so pronounced that the US State Department has raised the travel warning to Level 3.

There was a recent terrorist train hijacking that resulted in passengers, troops and even terrorists all being wounded or killed – and hostages taken. Christians face persecution and discrimination, but these brave saints still pray for terrorists to come to saving faith in Jesus.
Please pray: 
  • For a cessation of violence against Christians, other minority groups, and the government.
  • That many, many people would come to know Jesus in these challenging days in Pakistan.
  • For boldness to share the Gospel, protection and wisdom to be poured out upon Christians.
  • As you are led by God’s Spirit!
Despite a change in government and promises of change, violent persecution of Syrian Orthodox Christians is on the rise. Muslims who convert to Christianity are considered apostate and face death sentences. And Islamist jihadists are murdering both Christians and Muslims.
Please pray: 
  • For Christ-followers to be encouraged, strengthened and emboldened to share the Gospel with friends and neighbors; and for their physical needs to also be met.
  • For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in signs, miracles, dreams and visions to reveal Jesus to Muslims (they have a deep regard for dreams and visions as signs from God).
  • That those in authority would keep their promises to promote peace and stability.
  • For the international community to intervene to stop the violence and persecution.
  • Key Meetings – Our World MAP USA Board will have its annual meeting on April 5. Thanks for praying for us! And, in late April, Dr. Frank will meet with key Spanish-speaking church leaders from around the world. Pray for vision for all nations to be born in their hearts, and for God’s divine favor and connections for future ministry partnerships.
  • Seminars in 2025 – Plans are still underway for Pastoral Equipping and Renewal Seminars in Ecuador and Nepal, and a first-time seminar for key international Spanish-speaking pastors. We make plans, but we depend upon the Lord’s direction for our steps (Prv 16:9). Thank you for praying for us and for these strategic gatherings.
  • The Shepherd’s Staff [TSS] – To meet increasing demand, World MAP will print almost 45,000 TSS in 2025 alone! We need your prayer covering for God to order every part of these massive print orders, the shipping around the globe – and provision for all costs.


Jesus speaks to you and I today: “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the Kingdom” (Lk 12:32). Therefore, standing firmly in Him, be strong and of good courage as you are filled with and display His glorious presence!
Standing on the Rock with you,
Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish, World MAP Executive Directors